Guest Posts

Guest posts are welcomed and encouraged.  If you would like to have a guest post appear on, just email the post to or using the above form.  All I ask is that you have a topic in mind.  I have a hard enough time trying to come up with topics of my own, but if you're stuck on anything I'll gladly help.  Other requirements:

(1) The HTML of the post be sent to the above address, txt or doc files.
(2) The post should be related to either financial independence, dividend growth investing or frugality.
(3) Please edit your post for spelling/grammar.  I'll give it a once over before I post, but any bit helps.
(4) I'll send you an email with the post date at least 24 hours in advance.
(5) On the day of the post I'll send it out on Twitter to get all the followers from there to come check it out.  If you're also on Twitter or Facebook, please do the same.

That's it!  So go on and get started on a post and email it to me.  Also, it's not a requirement, but it'd be nice to have a short snippet either at the beginning or end of the post to let my readers know more about yourself.

You can email guest posts to passiveincomepursuit at gmail dot com or using the form on my Contact Page.

*All guest posts that are posted will be reviewed prior to posting and may be edited for spelling, grammar, length or clarity by me.


  1. JC,
    I am having trouble understanding the process of having a IRA and how to roll it over to a Roth for tax purposes. I am contemplating opening a Roth but do not quite understand the process. Do you have any insight into this process?
    Joe T.

    1. jett T,

      If you move funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA you'll have to pay income taxes on the funds so you'll get a tax hit for the year you do the transfer but then from there on out your Roth IRA would grow without any more tax burden. Things get more complicated if you have pre and post taxed dollars in your traditional IRA already.

      If you can do it I would just open up a Roth IRA and then start funding it with savings from your day job. It'll keep things simpler which is usually a good thing.

      If you really want to transfer the assets from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA then I would imagine it would be a relatively easy process. Probably a form or two to fill out with your broker and they'll handle the transfer. It'll probably add another form or two to your tax documents for the year that you complete the transfer.

      Here's a guide to maybe walk you through the process a bit more and to figure out if it's worth doing.

      In general I would say that your current and estimated long term tax situation is the biggest factors in whether you should do the transfer. If you're currently in a low tax bracket and expect to move into a higher one due to say a better paying job or something of that nature then taking advantage now would be worthwhile. If you're in a higher tax bracket and expect to be in a lower one in the future then waiting until then would be better.

      Hope that helps.


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