Happy Independence Day!
Just a quick update today in honor of Independence Day.
Financial independence is a wonderful thing for people to strive for. Heck it's one of things that just about everyone reading this has in common.
Through the 1st half of 2018 I've received $3263.40 in dividends or $18.13 per day. Assuming the 2nd half repeats with twice the dividends as the 1st half that would be $6,617.45 for the year, although it should be more.
Through the 1st half my expenses were $22,894.71 or $127.19 per day. Annualizing that brings the expected expenses for the whole of 2018 to $46,425.38.
That's roughly 14% coverage of my expenses through the first half of the year. There's still a long ways to go, but I'm working on it and things should start to pick up as we get back to regular investing late this year or early next year after our non-mortgage debt is paid down and frees up additional cash flow each month to invest.
Another way to look at things is the Work Freedom Day which is essentially the day you could "stop" work each year because the dividends you received would cover the rest of your annual expenses. Dividend Life introduced this idea to me and has a calculator to do the math for you.
Using the above annualized expenses of $46,425.38 and dividends of $6,617.45 my work freedom day for 2018 is...drum roll...November 8th. Just a little over 4 months away!
Happy Independence Day and Happy almost work independence day!
Happy 4th PIP. The fact that dividends covered roughly 14% of your expenses for the first half of the year is awesome and a great way to look at the effectiveness of your dividend snowball. I haven't done the math myself, in part because my numbers right now are so small. But, at some point I might. I hope the second half of the year goes really well for you.