What to Expect from Starbucks Corporation

dividend growth investing, stock analysis, minimum acceptable rate of return
Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) Dividend Stock Valuation Analysis 2017
Peter Lynch is famous for popularizing the "buy what you know" investment strategy. Of course that quote requires a lot more than just buying the stock of the company that makes a product you buy; however, that doesn't mean that we can't use the "buy what you know" philosophy to get companies on our radar.

While I personally rarely get drinks from Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) this is more of a case of "buy what your wife knows". My wife is a regular Starbucks drinker, more like once per week rather than the once per day, so I asked her some of the reasons that she prefers Starbucks over any of the other competitors.
Continue reading the article on Seeking Alpha.

dividend stock analysis, DIY, value investing, long term investing


  1. Thanks for the analysis. I have SBUX on my watchlist so a timely article!
    Visit me at TheDividendLife.com

  2. SBUX is a solid company that should continue to grow for years to come. Very impressed with them.


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