Net Worth Update - October 2019
Net Worth Update - October 2019 |
The S&P 500 climbed higher once again in October. Apparently there was nothing to be scared about. The S&P 500 added 2.0% during the month and so goes the markets, so goes my net worth. Of course I did my own part as well by saving and reducing debt to push our net worth higher.
During October my net worth increased $13,792.68.
Total Assets: $828,854.77
Liquid Assets: $316,567.64
Total Liabilities: -$175,303.1
Net Worth: $653,551.68
That represents a 2.2% increase compared to September and pushes the year-to-date change to +28.2%. Compared to October 2018 my net worth has seen a rise of $86.0k+.
Our main goal for 2019 continues to be reducing our non-mortgage debt and while we didn't make as much progress as I'd have liked we have gotten rid of one car loan. One down one to go. After October's accelerated payments our non-mortgage debt balance is down to just under $19.1k.
At this time it doesn't make much sense to pay extra on the mortgage given our relatively low interest rate as well as the tax break on mortgage payments and think we'll come out much further ahead investing the extra cash flow. So the liabilities side of the net worth equation will be slow moving. However, once the FI portfolio is able to get to a self-sustaining level of dividends then the plan is to aggressively pay down the mortgage.
As of the end of October we have 28.5% equity in our house based on our purchase price from 2013. According to Zillow our house has increased in value around $48.3k from our purchase price which is a nice bonus, although I keep the purchase price as the value in the net worth equations. Based on Zillow's estimate the equity in our house jumps to 41.5%.
The following chart shows my assets and liabilities, as well as my net worth, since January 2012. While I have accurate records for my net worth dating back to July 2010, I didn't keep track of my assets and liabilities on a monthly basis until the start of 2012.
Net Worth History through October 2019 |
Net Worth Breakdown - October 2019 |
Since I write so much (or at least try to) about investigating companies as an investment I figured it'd be fun to see how our balance sheet looks. At the end of October our debt to equity ratio is 27% and our debt to total capitalization is 21%. Not bad, but I can't wait to get that debt down to ZERO!
Personal Capital Structure - October 2019 |
How did your net worth fare during October? Did it continue to climb higher along with the markets?
Please share your thoughts below!
Min berättelse är förmodligen typisk. Min man föll i en affär med en annan kvinna på jobbet och lämnade mig. Jag fick äktenskapsprogrammet casting-program av en andlig far, mentor och healer som heter Oduduwa. 2 dagar efter Lunch of Stave för mina räkning för att få tillbaka min man hem till mig, det var en överraskning att jag inte ens kan förklara hur det hela händer, det fungerar som löfte från BABa.
ReplyDeleteMin make var väldigt hård till en början, men min man Anderson kom tillbaka hem för att be om ursäkt och be om min förlåtelse, idag är vi lyckligare än någonsin.
Jag kunde inte ha gjort det utan hjälp av Baba Oduduwa. Jag skulle ha gett upp och trodde att eftersom min man såg någon annan, så sa han att vi var klara. Efter lunch av Love spell, ringde min man mig på mobiltelefon och han återvänder hemma en dag efter.
Jag är tacksam för denna andliga äktenskapshealer som hjälpte mig. Jag rekommenderar honom för alla som har äktenskap eller förhållandekris idag, snabbt konsultera denna spirituella spellaggare för att återvända ex love.
här är hans personliga e-postadress: (dr.oduduwaspellcaster@gmail. com) WhatsApp endast: +79268011965
Fountainville, PA