Dividend Update - May 2012

May was a so-so month but better than April with its 3 payouts. I had a total of 5 payouts across my accounts. My dividend payments will start to increase here over the rest of the year with lots of fresh capital being deployed to dividend growth stocks over the coming months.

Dividend Income 2012
Company Dividend Amount Shares Purchased
Wells Fargo (WFC) $2.89 0.090
Proctor & Gamble (PG) $5.67 0.088
Intel (INTC) $10.20 0.365
Alcoa (AA) $0.90 0.105
May Total $18.98
2012 Total $137.08

Roth IRA - Dividend Income 2012
Company Dividend Amount Shares Purchased
Wells Fargo (WFC) $5.54 0.173
May Total $5.54
2012 Total $31.47

June is going to have the majority of my portfolio paying out dividends. Exactly half of all the stocks that I own will be paying out dividends during June. It will be my largest month of dividend payments with $81 coming my way. Happy Reinvesting to everyone!
