Weekly Roundup - October 13, 2012
This past week has flown by with me heading back to work. It also brought about 3 new purchases that will contribute an extra $170 in dividends before any future increases. You can check out my Recent Buy posts from this past week here, here and here. Now on to the links.
How to Go from Middle-Class to Kickass - Mr. Money Mustache had a great post highlighting the budgeting aspect to reach early retirement. His blog is one of the best around.
Recent Sale - Dividend Mantra recently sold his position in Total (TOT). Total no longer fit in his portfolio, check out his post to see why.
Stock Bought: CMI - Dividend Growth Machine had a great post about why he chose to invest in Cummins. Like him, I feel that CMI is currently at a great price to provide solid total returns going foward.
New Purchase - LO - Compounding Income picked up some shares of Lorrilard (LO) this week along with a few other bloggers.
October 2012 Dividend Champions Watchlist Update - My Journey to Millions went through his steps of how he determines which companies are at value prospects in order to narrow down his companies to research.
Work and Fishing - Death to the Full-Time Job posted about his musings from a recent bumper sticker he saw. I like the correlation, while we might not all love to fish, we all have something that we're passionate about.
Monthly Update - Setpember - All About Interest posted about the progress he made in September.
This Chart Should Terrify You - The Intelligent Speculator posted about the US Debt to GDP values and why that should be of major concern to everyone. He compared our levels to some well known European countries that are the cause of the current European financial mess.
Worse Money Mistakes - Retire by 40 had a guest post about their worst money mistakes. It's something that we should all look out for and pass on to people that we know.
When to Retire? Try Age 35 - ERE had a guest post a while back but it's worth linking to to serve as a reminder that it is possible. He chronicles the issues that he faced and the struggles along the way but he was able to retire by 35 and is now 48, so he definitely has something that we can all learn.
How to Go from Middle-Class to Kickass - Mr. Money Mustache had a great post highlighting the budgeting aspect to reach early retirement. His blog is one of the best around.
Recent Sale - Dividend Mantra recently sold his position in Total (TOT). Total no longer fit in his portfolio, check out his post to see why.
Stock Bought: CMI - Dividend Growth Machine had a great post about why he chose to invest in Cummins. Like him, I feel that CMI is currently at a great price to provide solid total returns going foward.
New Purchase - LO - Compounding Income picked up some shares of Lorrilard (LO) this week along with a few other bloggers.
Portfolio Update: New Addition (CMI and KMI) - FI Fighter made two of the same purchases that I did this past week by picking up both Cummins (CMI) and Kinder Morgan (KMI).
October 2012 Dividend Champions Watchlist Update - My Journey to Millions went through his steps of how he determines which companies are at value prospects in order to narrow down his companies to research.
Work and Fishing - Death to the Full-Time Job posted about his musings from a recent bumper sticker he saw. I like the correlation, while we might not all love to fish, we all have something that we're passionate about.
Monthly Update - Setpember - All About Interest posted about the progress he made in September.
This Chart Should Terrify You - The Intelligent Speculator posted about the US Debt to GDP values and why that should be of major concern to everyone. He compared our levels to some well known European countries that are the cause of the current European financial mess.
Worse Money Mistakes - Retire by 40 had a guest post about their worst money mistakes. It's something that we should all look out for and pass on to people that we know.
When to Retire? Try Age 35 - ERE had a guest post a while back but it's worth linking to to serve as a reminder that it is possible. He chronicles the issues that he faced and the struggles along the way but he was able to retire by 35 and is now 48, so he definitely has something that we can all learn.
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