Weekly Roundup - December 15, 2012

It's been a while since I've gotten a weekly roundup out but I finally got some time to be able to roundup the links.

What I'll be Buying if the Fiscal Cliff Causes Recession - Dividend Growth Stock Investing posted his watchlist.  That's something that I unfortunately don't keep track of as much as I should.  He's got a great list of stocks should the market and economy take a nosedive.

If You Must Value the Market - Dividend Mantra posted about 2 metrics for valuing the market as a whole. While he doesn't use really use these, they can come in handy.

Time:  It's Everything - Speaking of Dividend Mantra, he had another great post earlier this week.  It's all about time and the freedom to do as he pleases.  It's a great post and sums up most everyone that I know that's pursuing early FI.

The Secret Ingredients and Recipe for Retiring Early - FI Fighter had a 2 part series on how to go about retiring early, specifically through spending below your means and investing the difference in dividend growth stocks.

Railroad Stocks Appear Attractively Valued Across the Country - Dividend Monk analyzed the railroad industry in the United States and Canada.

How a Single Person Should Live if they Want to be Rich - Brick by Brick Investing was contacted by a fellow fraternity member asking how to become rich.  Check out his response.

December 2012 Dividend Champion Watchlist Update - My Journey to Millions ran through his screen of dividend champions.  There's some great companies that passed through.

New Purchase: Medtronic (MDT) - All About Interest decided now was the time to start owning Medtronic.  I have to agree with him since I picked up some shares myself.

Brownbag Lunches - Leigh is going to start brownbaggin' it.  That's a great way to save money and the plan is to throw the savings toward the mortgage.  She's calculating ~ $1,200 in annual savings.

Update: 2012 Dividend Tally - The Stoic will bring in over $2,600 in dividend in 2012.  That's more than double what he got in 2011.


  1. Pursuit,

    Thanks for the kind mention. Much appreciated!

    I hope you're having a great weekend. I do hope some better values present themselves next week. I've got some cash that's beckoning to be put to work.

    Best wishes!

    1. DM,

      No problem! I really like the time is everything article. We only have limited amount of time so you have to make the best of it. Those metrics could come in handy to get a general idea of the value of the market.

      The weekend was good. Unfortunately its just dreary here. Id much rather it be storming or sunday. Dont much care for the drizzle all day type. Hope you had a great weekend as well.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Thanks for the mention! Not that I root for a recession but it would be nice having the opportunity to pick up some great companies at great prices. Unfortunately I missed out back in 2008 because I wasn't ready for investing yet.

    1. DGSI,

      You're welcome. I too missed out on that opportunity. I had recently been laid off from my job related to the housing sector. In hindsight, that wasn't the best move. Another opportunity like that would be nice, or at least a pretty significant pullback.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for the mention, I appreciate it. It's always good to be surrounded by good company ;)

    Take care!


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