Weekly Roundup - March 21, 2015

Quick update this week.  I've been back at the hospital with my son since he had a "triple crown", tracheostomy, g-tube and circumcision.  So he's had a bit of a rough week since pretty much the whole front side of his body is sore and got poked and cut into.  He's still got a long road ahead of him but hopefully with a more stable airway he can start making a bit more progress.

I did make a few changes to the portfolio this week as well although I haven't gotten a chance to get the post written yet.  Hopefully this weekend or early next week I'll be able to put something together but for now I just don't have the time.

Also thanks to everyone that has answered my financial independence plans poll.  If you haven't yet done so please go to the post for the poll.  Thanks!

In case you missed them here's the posts from this past week.
Thanks to each and every one of you that read, commented on, and shared posts from here this past week. I appreciate it so much. Make sure you follow me on Twitter@JC_PIP or sign up to receive new post notifications via email so you don't miss anything.

Now on to the links!

Picking up the pennies by FI Fighter

Is the holy grail you're chasing just a mirage? by Islands of Investing

5 signs of a good annual report by Clear Eyes Investing

A day of early retirement - going on a walkabout by Root of Good

Financial independence = geographical independence by Dividend Mantra

39 dividend champions for further research by Dividend Growth Investor

Travel scams and robbery on the backpacker trailby Retire Before Dad

Why not to have speculative positions in your core by Financially Integrated

The big picture issues with Wal-Mart stock right now by The Conservative Income Investor

The mathematics of diversification and wealth building by Joshua Kennon

Recent buy by My Dividend Growth

Live off your monthly dividend portfolio by The Dividend Guy

What matters in the long run on Total Return Investor

Dividend Investing White Papers by Dividend Engineer

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Hi JC,

    Sorry to hear your son has had a rough week, but hope you're all hanging in there and that he makes some great progress.

    Thanks very much for mentioning my post in your round up!

    All the best,


  2. JC,

    Hope Luke is feeling better after all of that! :)

    Thanks for the mention. Hope you guys have a great weekend over there with your son.

    Best regards.

  3. I'm sending lots of good vibes to your family and hoping Luke got to relax a bit with his Ma & Pa over the weekend.

    Appreciate the link and hope you have a nice week ahead!

  4. I can only give you my prayers hoping that everything will be alright.


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