Dividend Increase | Medtronic (MDT)
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Getting a pay raise while sitting on the couch? Sign me up! Thanks Medtronic for the dividend increase! |
There's an old Chinese proverb that says "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now". The reason for this is that it takes time for a tree to grow and prosper and for you to start reaping its benefits. Dividend growth investing is much the same way. It takes consistent saving and investing as well as time and patience to let the power of dividend growth take hold.
That's why one of my favorite things is when one of the companies I own decides to pay out more in dividends. You mean I get a pay raise just for owning a small piece of a company? Not going and doing R&D for new products or technology. Not selling any products. Not managing any employees or inventory. Not making sales calls. All I had to do was have the foresight to invest some of my savings in excellent companies.
On May 20th the Board of Directors at Medtronic (MDT) approved an increase in the quarterly dividend payment. The dividend was increased from $0.54 up to $0.58. That's a solid 7.4% raise from this Dividend Champion. This also marks the 43rd consecutive year of dividend growth. Shares currently yield 2.45% based on the new annualized payout.
The new dividend will be payable July 17th to shareholders of record as of June 26th.
Since I own 93.077 shares of Medtronic in my FI Portfolio, this raise increased my forward 12-month dividends by $14.89. This is the 8th dividend increase I've received from Medtronic initiating a position in December 2012. The total organic dividend growth over that time comes to 123%.
A full screen version of this chart can be found here.
Medtronic has had a truly remarkable stretch of dividend growth riding the tail wind of the health care sector.
That's why one of my favorite things is when one of the companies I own decides to pay out more in dividends. You mean I get a pay raise just for owning a small piece of a company? Not going and doing R&D for new products or technology. Not selling any products. Not managing any employees or inventory. Not making sales calls. All I had to do was have the foresight to invest some of my savings in excellent companies.
On May 20th the Board of Directors at Medtronic (MDT) approved an increase in the quarterly dividend payment. The dividend was increased from $0.54 up to $0.58. That's a solid 7.4% raise from this Dividend Champion. This also marks the 43rd consecutive year of dividend growth. Shares currently yield 2.45% based on the new annualized payout.
The new dividend will be payable July 17th to shareholders of record as of June 26th.
Since I own 93.077 shares of Medtronic in my FI Portfolio, this raise increased my forward 12-month dividends by $14.89. This is the 8th dividend increase I've received from Medtronic initiating a position in December 2012. The total organic dividend growth over that time comes to 123%.
A full screen version of this chart can be found here.
Medtronic has had a truly remarkable stretch of dividend growth riding the tail wind of the health care sector.
Of the 27 1-year periods since 1993, the year over year dividend growth has ranged from 7.5% to 147.9% with an average of 21.1% and a median of 14.6%.
Of the 23 rolling 5-year periods, Medtronic's annualized dividend growth has ranged form 8.3% to 44.0% with and average of 18.8% and a median of 16.4%.
Likewise the 18 rolling 10-year periods are equally impressive. Annualized dividend growth has ranged from 10.0% to 30.1% with an average of 17.4% and a median of 15.6%.
The 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year rolling dividend growth rates since 1993 can be found in the following chart.
A full screen version of this chart can be found here.
For dividend yield theory I consider the fair value range to be the forward dividend yield +/- 10% compared to the 5 year moving average, the under/over value area to be to between 10%-20% deviation from the average and significant over/under value are greater than a 20% deviation from the average.
A full screen version of this chart can be found here.
Medtronic's 5-year average forward dividend yield is 2.11% which corresponds to a share price of $110 based on the new annualized payout.
I consider the fair value range based on dividend yield theory to be the 5-year moving average yield +/- 10%. That gives a fair value range of $100 - $122 and suggests that Medtronic's shares are currently undervalued and a possible investment candidate.
Wrap Up
This raise increased my forward dividends by $14.89 with me doing nothing. That's right, absolutely nothing to contribute to their operations. Based on my FI Portfolio's current yield of 3.45% this raise is like I invested an extra $432 in capital. Except that I didn't! One of the companies I own just decided to send more cash my way.
That's how you can eventually reach the crossover point where your dividends received exceed your expenses. That's DIVIDEND GROWTH INVESTING AT WORK! The beauty of the dividend growth investing strategy is that you build up your dividends through fresh capital investment as well dividend increases from the companies you own.
I've now received 22 raises from 20 of the 54 companies in my FI Portfolio increasing my forward-12 month dividends by $189.13.
My FI Portfolio's forward-12 month dividends are $8,110.56. Including my FolioFirst portfolio's forward dividends of $102.28 brings my total taxable accounts dividends to $8,212.84. My Roth IRA's forward 12-month dividends are $67.30. My Rollover IRA's forward dividends are $3,004.18. Across all accounts I can expect to receive $11,894.32 in dividends over the next year.
I've also started compiling dividend data on many of the companies that I own or would like to own. Medtronic's can be found here which includes the dividend history (as far back as I can find without spending hours hunting it down), rolling dividend growth rates and dividend yield theory. To see other companies that I've already gathered the data on you can check out the Dividend Companies page. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Do you own shares of Medtronic? Are you interested in adding shares at this relatively good valuation based on dividend yield theory?
Please share your thoughts below.
The 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year rolling dividend growth rates since 1993 can be found in the following chart.
A full screen version of this chart can be found here.
For dividend yield theory I consider the fair value range to be the forward dividend yield +/- 10% compared to the 5 year moving average, the under/over value area to be to between 10%-20% deviation from the average and significant over/under value are greater than a 20% deviation from the average.
Medtronic's 5-year average forward dividend yield is 2.11% which corresponds to a share price of $110 based on the new annualized payout.
I consider the fair value range based on dividend yield theory to be the 5-year moving average yield +/- 10%. That gives a fair value range of $100 - $122 and suggests that Medtronic's shares are currently undervalued and a possible investment candidate.
Wrap Up
This raise increased my forward dividends by $14.89 with me doing nothing. That's right, absolutely nothing to contribute to their operations. Based on my FI Portfolio's current yield of 3.45% this raise is like I invested an extra $432 in capital. Except that I didn't! One of the companies I own just decided to send more cash my way.
That's how you can eventually reach the crossover point where your dividends received exceed your expenses. That's DIVIDEND GROWTH INVESTING AT WORK! The beauty of the dividend growth investing strategy is that you build up your dividends through fresh capital investment as well dividend increases from the companies you own.
I've now received 22 raises from 20 of the 54 companies in my FI Portfolio increasing my forward-12 month dividends by $189.13.
My FI Portfolio's forward-12 month dividends are $8,110.56. Including my FolioFirst portfolio's forward dividends of $102.28 brings my total taxable accounts dividends to $8,212.84. My Roth IRA's forward 12-month dividends are $67.30. My Rollover IRA's forward dividends are $3,004.18. Across all accounts I can expect to receive $11,894.32 in dividends over the next year.
I've also started compiling dividend data on many of the companies that I own or would like to own. Medtronic's can be found here which includes the dividend history (as far back as I can find without spending hours hunting it down), rolling dividend growth rates and dividend yield theory. To see other companies that I've already gathered the data on you can check out the Dividend Companies page. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Do you own shares of Medtronic? Are you interested in adding shares at this relatively good valuation based on dividend yield theory?
Please share your thoughts below.
Jag heter Jehonna Bekteshi från Lund. Sedan den 21 mars 2019 var mitt kärleksförhållande stort kärleksfullt och förtroende, precis direkt efter Covid-19s utbrott har min make agerat så fruktansvärt fusk mot mig, det finns ingen öppenhet och sanning i äktenskapet från min kärlekspartner lurar och ser några andra kvinnor där ute, jag älskade honom så dyrt och jag vill att han ska älska mig på samma sätt, men han fortsätter att fuska, han är inte konsekvent och tar ansvar som hemman, inget barnstöd, vi har två barn tillsammans, Jane och Terry är så härliga barn, de frågar mig hela tiden när kommer pappa att återvända hem, jag måste övertyga dem om att deras far gudar ett jobb i västra länder och de har velat se sin far igen, Jag försökte allt mitt bästa för att söka hjälp för att få honom hem, min man lämnade hemmet för cirka 11 månader sedan, inga textmeddelanden och inga telefonsamtal från honom och han blockerade mig, jag kan inte kontakta honom igen, jag trodde aldrig på kärleksförtryck med ljus tänder a och andra material kan föra tillbaka min man hem, tills min mycket goda vän presenterade mig för en bra man som heter Dr.Oduduwa love spell channel, jag kontaktade honom och inom några minuter fick jag svar och han berättade för mig allt detta krävs och procedur för att delta i kärlek stava framgångsrikt. Jag följde noggrant alla hans instruktioner och vägledning under bönprocessen för förtrollning av kärlek. det var enkelt och enkelt att förstå snabba svar är säkra. inom några timmar är det gjort och jag fick ett telefonsamtal från min kärleksman som har så länge inte kunde ringa mig på telefon och han ringde mig direkt omedelbart efter att all kärlek stavaktivering har lyckats. detta kan hända med någon om du tror att prova idag. Jag är väldigt nöjd med min familj tillsammans eftersom jag gör alla åtgärder för att få honom tillbaka. Jag älskar min man så mycket, jag var redo att göra allt mänskligt möjligt för att få honom tillbaka till mig. vi har båda framtiden tillsammans och jag kan inte släppa honom. Idag är jag väldigt glad att jag har honom mycket nära mig just nu med mer kärlek och förtroende för vårt kärleksförhållande mer än någonsin tidigare. Allt tack till Dr.oduduwa kärlekstempel för brådskande lösning för att få tillbaka ex kärlekspartner. han hjälper dig att lära dig och utveckla bättre sätt att hantera de frågor som står i vägen för dina kärlekslivsmål.
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