Weekly Roundup - April 25, 2015

It's been a pretty great week.  I've been off of work, a little bittersweet since no work means less income, but I'm so glad that I've been off.  I got home a week ago Thursday and Luke was not doing all that well and was extremely swollen.  Like worse than Will Smith's character in Hitch when he had the allergic reaction.  But they finally figured out a combination of things to get rid of some of his swelling.  Between a week ago Thursday and this past Thursday he's lost about 1.4 kg.  That's about 3 lbs of fluid.  Luckily Luke has done well since I've been home.  He's still got a long ways to go before we'll even be discussing a discharge date but he's slowly making progress.

Unfortunately I made no purchases for my portfolio this past week but I do have some open limit orders right now on some excellent companies.  One company that I'm pretty excited about it Ross Stores, Inc. but I'm not 100% sure how the upcoming stock split will work.  Ross Stores' stock split had an "ex-dividend" date of 4/22/15 but the split won't take effect until 6/11/15.  I've honestly never paid attention to stock splits before and whether they were announced as stock dividends or not.  So if anyone has a better idea of how the stock split will work I'd appreciate it very much.  I'm not ready to buy shares yet because the valuation isn't where I feel comfortable purchasing shares but I'm definitely not going to buy shares if it means I don't get to participate in the 2:1 split.

In case you missed them, here's the posts from this past week.
Also, be sure to sign up to receive posts via email and to follow me on Twitter@JC_PIP so you don't miss anything.  I also started a Facebook page to give people another option for keeping up to date on posts and happenings with the blog.

Once again I'd like to say thanks to each and every one of you that read, commented, and shared posts from here this past week.  I think this dividend growth investing and financial independence community is amazing and the openness from everyone is awesome.  Thanks again!

Now on to the links!

How to make money in your sleep with forever dividend investing by Dividend Growth Investor

Do you desire freedom or the pursuit of freedom? by FI Fighter

My first book: The Dividend Mantra Way by Dividend Mantra

Time dilation by No More Waffles

The legend of Abbott Laboratories stock by The Conservative Income Investor

Creating the dividend champions list and website by Dividend Life

My venture portfolio: Q1 2015 by Financially Integrated

Brewing up dividend yield by DivHut

The best version of myself by Long Term Mindset

American Water Works (AWK) Dividend Stock Analysis by Roadmap2Retire

Buys - April 2015 by Dividend Hustler

Recent buys - April 20, 2015 by My Dividend Growth

Recent buy - Qualcomm, Inc. by DivGro

Also, if you're looking for investment ideas, A Frugal Family's Journey keeps a list of stock analyses and recent buys from fellow bloggers.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks for the mention, JC. Hope things better with Luke and wishing you and the family the best during these tough times.


    1. R2R,

      It's been so nice having him actually be somewhat stable this past week. I know he's still got a long ways to go but any bit of progress and stability is always welcomed.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hey JC. Everything's gonna be fine. Luke's trying to get through this and he's toughing IT out. You gonna do the same. Bless his little soul. We wish you the best and here's to a wonderful tomorrow. Take care my friend.

    1. Hustler,

      We're so glad that he's finally starting to show some improvement after a lot of sitting in limbo this past month. I just hope he continues to make progress but we know that it's a very up and down process. Have a great weekend.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi JC,

    Thank you for the mention of my article!

    Regarding the ROSS split, for the end investor a stock split is the same as a large stock dividend - I think the distinction is in how it shows up in the accounts. This link has more detail on the process - when new shares are issued via a split there's no entry in the balance sheet, but there is a ledger entry when shares are distributed via a stock dividend.

    If you buy shares after the record date and before the actual split occurs, you will still receive new shares on the split date, although they'll be half the price since you now have double the shares. Dividend payments will be adjusted accordingly, so if a $0.5 payment was announced and the split occurs first, you'll get $0.25 per new share.

    Glad to read that Like's doing better this week!

    Best wishes,

    1. Dividend Life,

      I knew that the stock split does nothing with the actual value of the company but I honestly had never paid attention to whether previous stock splits were announced as stock dividends with ex-div dates and everything. I'll get the link a look over but I figured it was the same whether you actually owned the shares prior to the ex-div or not. Just want to make sure though because if not the that's a good short opportunity and would make no sense to go long the shares. Really like the company for long term growth.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. JC,

    Hope everything continues to improve for baby Luke over there!

    Thanks for the mention. Hope you're having an outstanding weekend.

    Best regards.

  5. Loved seeing so many posts from you over the week, JC. They were all excellent reads. I'm excited to dig into this list you've put together and thanks for the mention. Best wishes to you and the family!

  6. Thank you for mentioning me. I hope Luke does better and I also hope you are given more work soon.

  7. Thanks so much for these round-ups, it makes it so easy for me to catch up on a lot of information in a little time. Great for busy weeks!


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