Weekly Roundup - July 11, 2015

Well, the stock markets went everywhere and nowhere this past week.  With Greece, China, Fed interest rate hike and maybe just because it's the summer, the stock markets went on a wild ride this past week.  But the important thing to remember is that just because the share prices of companies you own change that doesn't mean there's commensurate changes in the outlooks of said companies.  It's not very often that a company's prospects can change by billions of dollars over the course of a few days; however, if you look at the stock quotes that's exactly what you see.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to take advantage of the market volatility because I was out of cash in my brokerage account.  By the time I was able to move some funds around it was too late and the markets had recovered some taking away a lot of the value that was presenting itself.  Oh well, I'm sure we'll have a catastrophe of the week next week to unlock some more of that value.

In case you missed them, here's the post from this past week.

Also, be sure to sign up to receive posts via email and to follow me on Twitter@JC_PIP so you don't miss anything.  I also started a Facebook page to give people another option for keeping up to date on posts and happenings with the blog.

Once again I'd like to say thanks to each and every one of you that read, commented, and shared posts from here this past week.  I think this dividend growth investing and financial independence community is amazing and the openness from everyone is awesome.  Thanks again!

Now on to the links!

Is the first $100k the hardest? by Dividend Mantra

What kind of investor are you? by All About Interest

Part I: How I became a millionaire at age 30 by FI Fighter

Qualcomm Inc. Dividend Stock Analysis by Roadmap2Retire

Dividend growth investing - a great strategy for long-term investors by Dividend Growth Investor

My dividend portfolio: Q2 2015 by Financially Integrated

3 Years after early retirement update by Retire by 40

Quarterly Review: Q2 2015 by DivGro

A Post-Marriage Investment Plan by The Conservative Income Investor

Also, if you're looking for investment ideas, A Frugal Family's Journey keeps a list of stock analyses and recent buys from fellow bloggers.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Image courtesy of Gubgib on FreeDigitalPhotos.net.


  1. Thanks for the mention, JC. Have a great wknd


  2. Thanks for sharing the roundup JC. And of course, thanks for the continued mention of our Collection of Recent Buys and Stock Analyses! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend. Best Wishes! AFFJ

    1. AFFJ,

      It was a pretty good weekend for me. Easy work and great weather. That's always a great combination. Even better is that I'll be heading back home tomorrow and get to see my wife and son.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for including a link to quarterly review, PIP! Take care and happy investing!


    1. Ferdi,

      I'm hoping we get some more volatility this week now that I finally have some cash ready to deploy in my brokerage account. It's always fun getting to search out investment possibilities.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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