Weekly Roundup - September 22, 2012

This week had me busy with work and therefore slow for the blog but I still found time to read some fellow blogger's thoughts.  So here's the roundup for this past week.

YOLO - Dividend Mantra had a great post about why he's saving and investing to become financially independent at a young age.  It was a great article and something I firmly believe in.

3 Easy Steps to Retire by 40 - Going with the early retirement/financial independence theme, here's a post from Retire by 40 outlining the 3 steps to reach FI.  While the 1st step might not be completely realistic for everyone, it's still something to consider, especially when considering career options.

QE3 Since When is Pushing on an Accelerator a Good Way to Avoid a Wall - The Dividend Guy has a great post about QE3 and its potential effects or lack thereof.

Toddling Toward the Goal:These are a Few of My Favorite Things - Here's a great article from Seeking Alpha which is exactly what I plan to do once I have children.  Investing in their future and hopefully getting them interested in it will go a long ways to their reaching early FI.

The Dividend-Growth Large-Cap Fallacy - Another Seeking Alpha article, this one from David Fish, compiler of the CCC list which is one of the best places to start your search for dividend growth stocks, highlighting market cap weighting of the currently 471 companies that have increased dividends for at least 5 years.  I was just starting to work on compiling data to provide some stock analysis reports on some of the lesser known dividend growth stocks.

Johnson & Johnson: Cautiously Optimistic at $68/share - Dividend Monk posted about why he is just slightly concerned with JNJ at its' recent share price.  A good pullback would be very tempting for me to jump in on.

Stock Bought: NSC - Dividend Growth Machine discussed his recent purchase of Norfolk Southern.  It's funny because in about a 1 day span I saw several recent buy posts and one option trade post from fellow bloggers.


  1. PIP,

    Thanks for the mention!

    I agree. It was funny to see so many bloggers post info about buying NSC. Gotta love it!

    Best wishes.

    1. No problem. I need to send the link to your post to my wife so she can read it. It was a great post.

      I've even seen a few more NSC purchase posts trickle in after the first day of the pullback. Have a great weekend.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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