Recent Transaction

I'm reporting a trade from yesterday where I bought to close the $39 call option that I had open on HAL.  I'm way overweight HAL since they are my employer and I participate in the ESPP program and I need to start selling off some shares.  For now though, I figured it was pretty good to go on and close out the call option and I will sell another one shortly, most likely within the next week or so.

I had originally sold the call option back on January 30th and received $245.25 in option premium after all commission and brokerage fees.  HAL typically has moves larger than the market with a beta of 1.82 and it recently moved back down in price to the low to mid $39's.  This gave me the chance to close out the call for a nice profit.  In order to close out the position I paid $157.00, which after commission and fees cost me $164.98.  All in all the trade netted me $80.27 in option premium as profit which represented a 2.06% return or an annualized rate of 15.34%.

I'll be looking to sell another call option once the price recovers a bit because as I mentioned my portfolio is way overweight my employer's stock.  With another purchase finalizing in early April of around 90-100 shares I need to start unloading some and investing in dividend growth stocks.

I've updated my Option Summary page to reflect this change.  I've received a total of $184.29 in option premium from closed/expired options thus far in 2013 with my 4 open puts most likely expiring as well to add to that total.


  1. Nice work! You are really starting to realize some option profits in 2013! I am looking forward to seeing how your transition to options trading on margin accelerates your profits as you take on more options.

    1. W2R,

      I'm already starting to see some pretty good returns from it, but it's a short sample period so there's no telling what will happen. Since my plan is to only sell options on companies I want to own at prices I would be interested in buying at anyways, I imagine that I'll do just fine. I'm thinking of closing out my BAC put, but since it was a shorter term contract the commission to close will eat a lot into the profit so for now I'm holding. Unfortunately that was a cash secured put so that $1,100 will just sit idly by.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That's a nice profit! I like your strategy of selling in-the-money calls to lower your HAL holdings. Like writing2reality said, I look forward to seeing more trades since you can now trade on margin.

    1. AAI,

      I don't have a problem with taking a profit. My biggest sticking point is determining when I'm comfortable taking it. I think closing the KO was a good move because it had a nice run up and I could lock in a nice profit. Especially since it was a cash secured put because that also freed up $3,750. But the LO for example, I could close out today and capture ~45% of the premium in only about 15% of the days so that's tempting. Got any specific criteria for when you will close out the position or case by case basis I assume? That's how I'm taking it now.

      I'm hoping for a bounce back up in the markets over the next few days to allow me to sell another call on those HAL shares, most likely at the $39 strike again to rack up some more option premium.

      I made a purchase today and sold another put option using margin since I was able to free up some more cash by closing the KO put.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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